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The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the oldest faculties in Mansoura University, where the High Agricultural Institute was founded in 1965/1966 and then became the Faculty of Agriculture in 1973/1974.


The College has many objectives, fused in the crucible of one to serve the nation and society through the preparation of scientific cadres' distinct cope with the development of science at both the local and regional levels. Not only that but also includes the total number of units which have the character of production, services, and scientific.


Students in the Faculty of Agriculture study both the theoretical and practical science. The duration of study is four years for undergraduates. The College has 13 programs of study for undergraduate, covering all areas of agricultural sciences. These programs were merged into eight programs according to the issuance of Ministerial Decree No. 1485 in 1/7/2009. This is to keep in line with the modern education systems and curriculum development and to keep pace with the developments in the fields of agriculture and labor market requirements.

Strategy Aims

Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, aims at achieving a set of goals:


  • Development of the institutional capacity of the College.

  • Development and promotion of education and learning.

  • Strengthening and promotion of scientific research and innovation.

  • Enhancement and encouragement of community participation.

  • Strengthening the competitive status of the faculty at local and regional levels and facilitating the transition towards a knowledge’s society.

  • Sustaining the professional development of human resources of the faculty

  • Enhancement of the faculty’s self-financial resources.

Vision and Mission



Pioneering and excellence in all fields of agricultural education, research and community service at the local and regional levels in light of the sustainable development of institutions of higher education.




Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University is a governmental educational institution that is committed to offering undergraduate and graduate programs to prepare competitive graduates and researchers at the local and regional levels as part of its developmental and service role.



Historical Background

The Higher Institute of Agriculture in Mansoura was the nucleus of the Faculty of Agriculture,Mansoura University. The Ministry of Higher Education decided to establish the Higher Institute of Agriculture to start work from the academic year 1965/1966, as part of the Higher Technical Institutes project in Mansoura (higher education, project 3). It is founded in Mansoura control center and Mit Bader Khamis, next to Shagrat El-Dur Park.


The Organization of the United Nations for Educational Services, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was cooperated with the Ministry of Higher Education in accordance with the agreement concluded between them to supply the Institute by the experts and the scientific and agricultural equipments needed for the study. In return the Ministry of Higher Education had to establish the buildings related to the institute.


The Higher Institute of Agriculture in Mansoura continued its duty to graduate specialists in science till joined the Mansoura University and became the Faculty of Agriculture by the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 542 in 23/4/1974, under which it became one of the university colleges.



Tel: +2 | 050 2202254
Fax: +2 | 050 2202253


Faculty Dean

Tel: +2 | 050 2202253
Fax: +2 | 050 2202253


Vice dean for Education and Students Affairs

Tel:  +2 | 050 2202135
Fax: +2 | 050 2202253


Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

Tel:  +2 | 050 2202556
Fax: +20 50 2221688


Vice dean for Community and Environmental Development

Tel: +2 | 050 2202254
Fax: +2 | 050 2202253

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